Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Synchronicity.. getting in touch with God

Synchronicity is a means of getting in touch with God. It's a path to meaning and purpose in your life. It's a means of having the experience of love and compassion. It's a means of connecting to the non-logical intelligence of the Universe.

If your attention is on a situation that generates stress, then it is difficult to access sychronicity. To do so effectively you have to have an attitude of surrender to the universal domain, which is much grander than anything you can imagine. 

Surrender requires a leap of faith, a jump into the unknown. Your inner dialogue can support this by saying "Things are not going my way. I'm letting go of my idea of how they should. My sense of 'me and mine' has to expand."

If you take this leap of faith, you will be richly rewarded. If you find yourself worrying about next months bills, it would be appropriate to remind yourself that it is your intent not only to fulfill your needs but also to send your children to school, and to contribute to your community.

All people want to fulfill these needs in their lives. However, having articulated and expressed your intent to fulfill them takes them to the infinite mind, and in effect says, "I put all this at your disposal. I'm not going to worry about it because you, the non-local intelligence that resides within me, will take care of it."

-- Adapted by The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire, by Deepak Chopra (Three Rivers Press).

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