Thursday, August 9, 2012

Gratitude breeds more good coming your way :)

Before you go to bed at night think of 3 things you are grateful for... not the obvious, something deeper, perhaps some things or people you may be overlooking.

When you're out and about doing your day notice things that you're grateful for and/or happy about. 

I recognize simple things we usually take for granted like my car... I'm so grateful to have such a thing that can take me almost anywhere I want or need to go. I'm grateful for the air I breathe and the plants and trees that make it possible. I'm grateful for the food and groceries I'm able to buy and enjoy with my family and people I love. 

The more you train your mind to look for what's right rather than what's wrong, the more gratitude you'll feel. The more gratitude you feel, the more good will come your way :)

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